Thursday 11 February 2010

Sky Watch: Market Hall Clock Tower

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Yesterday was a chilly day - it even snowed around lunchtime. Yet, by the end of the afternoon, blue sky was visible between the remaining patches of cloud, which were lit up by the low sun.

The clock tower of Ashton Market Hall was in the shade, making more of a contrast against the backgrounds of sunlit clouds.

It seems scarcely believable that less than six years ago the tower was lit up by flames when the entire Market Hall was gutted by fire.

Sky Watch is a regular weekly feature on this photo blog. It links with websites all over the world with the general theme each week of looking upwards. Please take the opportunity to visit some of these other sites. I hope some new visitors have found their way here today, watching the skies!


  1. Love the hint of blush to the clouds!

  2. I'll have to dig up my the last Tameside webcam picture from around the time of the fire.
    There's an eerie orange glow about the picture

  3. Marvelous capture! Love the orange glow! Hope you have a great weekend!


  4. Love the angle of the clock tower and the skywatch photo!


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